
Tuesday 27 August 2024


Taylor, Hudson, I longed to be. 
His work, the weight, I sought for me. 
A heavy yoke, I wore; not free, 
Until I saw his rest in Thee. 

The Crux and the Chrysalis

Meaning is excruciating. Reality is crucified.

The pain, "the Scroll of Life of the Lamb Slain," before the world came, is plain in existence.

Existence is suffering. Death is destiny.

Resurrection is written in blood, "in the blood of the eternal covenant".

Sunday 18 August 2024


Like a gelded brumby, I fence-pace and spend long hours staring into the corner of this well-trodden mind.

I am captured and separated from my undomesticated kind.

Thursday 8 August 2024

Soul’stice roots

This wet winter soul’stice, drenched by this incessant dripping; torrential memories of a million moments lost: the company of companions I used to hold, not dear enough; new acquaintances without the notice nor need to want us.