
Monday, 23 December 2019

Season for Joy

It’s a season for joy
For spirits raised high!
The end of the year 
Is very close by!

Holidays and Summer
And Christmas soon!
It’s all so exciting
There’s so much to do!

Presents to find
Lots to bake!
And family to see
And Mum’s headache!

It’s busyness, bustle
Hustle and fuss!
Amidst all this chaos
Remember we must!

God’s great plan 
To rescue his people!
To save the world
Make all things peaceful!

Little baby boy 
Born in a manger!
Hope of all hopes
Almighty saviour!

Born in this world
Raised on a cross!
And rising victorious
For all of us!

Our sins forgiven
Once slaves, set free!
And now to live
All eternity!

This, the ultimate 
Present for us!
So remember the news 
The first Christmas!

~ By Isabella Towns, 22/12/2019 (Edited by Dad)