One is what we call the distance
One is what we call the distance
between nothing and the first—
the first of something, anything,
before the one that comes next.
Zero is the point we project—
before the moment when one, anything,
has happened or arrived.
It does not exist. It is nothing,
so it cannot exist.
It is non-being—not something, not anything;
it is that moment before the moment
when the first of moments—the singularity—existed and began,
with all that came next.
Zero cannot be.
It is not, and it cannot.
If one arrived and began,
it began with one—the One.
One is what we call the distance
between nothing and the first one.
And nothing does not exist,
and neither does this distance.
One is the beginning.
Before one, before anything, was the One—
the One before one, before the beginning,
from which all ones come,
and become ones that become.
Before the beginning had become,
before one and two begun,
was the One and only One,
who alone was not alone.
One was and is the Whole.
In Him is and was the All—
the All of all who came,
before the all of which became.