
Thursday, 9 January 2025


Something is upheld by nothing.
All of matter is empty space;
Even the minute minuscule of matter we call particles of mass
Are no more than mere drag nets on moments of change
In a field of vacuum energy;
This is the quantum reality.

Space itself is bits;
Bits of nothing but a field—
A quantised field of empty possibility—
Emptiness filled with a vacuum energy:
A vacuum full of potential but nothing really,
Nothing in actuality;
A prolongation of a wave of voltage
Signifying chance and opportunity—
Classically defying—not even applying—
Conservation and reason
And every mathematical Cartesian,
With acceleration of not just ever-expanding space and time,
But proliferation of ever-increasingly increasing energy and mass—
Globally with time.

Things are upheld by nothing;
Beneath the physical is nothing—
That is, nothing that is physical.

The planet may not be flat, floating on turtles,
But space, matter, and time certainly are;
Floating on energy;
And the energy floats on turtles,
And beneath the turtles are more turtles—
It is turtles all the way down.

The Higgs boson is just a field,
A field change—
A change in a field of potential, of potential difference—
In a field of constant potential for change—
Potential we call energy;
Creating what we call space,
Whose changes we call particles,
Particles whose inertia we think of as resistance;
Resistance we physicists call mass—
We humans call matter:
Does it matter, this stuff?

There is something rather than nothing,
But behind, underneath, and filling this something is nothing;
Nothing physical—no thing that is a thing.
A non-thing: something nothing or a nothing something.

Why is there something rather than nothing?
Is there something rather than nothing?
A something nothing or a nothing something?
A non-thing upholding something—everything.

Not a thing, not a nothing, but a non-thing.
Something upheld by a non-thing.
A non-thing but not a nothing, upholding everything.
There is something rather than nothing.

There is me.
There is you.
There is stuff.
A kangaroo.

There is space.
There is time.
There is matter.
There is mind.

There is motion.
There is music.
There is light.
There is fusion.

Nothing does not exist.
Some things do; some things don’t.
Everything does exist.
Confusion always won’t.

Nothing can exist without being underpinned.
A balloon without air is not a balloon to comprehend.
A tree without a trunk is not a tree if you really thunk.
Life without life is not alive,
Nor is it live.

Something without a something to give it thingness is nothing, too.
Without a something, everything would thin beyond a clue.
And nothing would exist.
But nothing cannot exist—
Because nothing is nothing,
And things exist.

Perhaps something does too—
Perhaps something that is thingless sustains them too?