Our Dearest Dad above;
My Abba Father God—Who in the heavens
Your Name is feared—Above all,
may Your fame be
yet more revered!Come, Your King,
our Lord and Sire,
and rule this world;
Jesus, Messiah!—Your will come;
bring it into effect—
by Your Spirit,
just as in heaven,
may it happen here!For this present time,
provide now
our appointed cup,
our portion of bread.And cancel for us
what we owe You,
just as we cancel
what others owe us too.And lead us—
but, please,
not into temptation—
but, at the very least,
deliver us
from the evil itself!Because:
the crown,
and the control,
and the credit,is Yours—
and after,
and more.So be it!
—— (“Therefore, pray thus:) ——
Our Father who
in the heavens,
be Your Name.Your kingdom
Your will
come to pass—
as in Heaven,
also on the earth!Give us today
our appointed bread.And forgive us
our debts,
as we also forgive
our debtors.And may You not
lead us
into temptation,
deliver us
from the evil,because
is the kingdom,
and the power,
and the glory—for all ages.
Amen.”(Literal Standard Version:
Matthew 6:9–13)