Ill-fated fair
Is stripped of pride
With humbling care
The ban must bear
Long ages past
Her desire it wanes
Through time at last
She would be queen
Of noble race
Her hair to shine
With divining trace
But cherishing good
She must so earn
And rejecting evil
She must now learn
Will take she chance
Free gift to rule
Using one the ring
Be cold and cruel?
Or lose she life
And diminish indeed
Under the ban
With all less heed?
The Enemy he lures
With need and greed
Galadriel she knows
Her desires deceive
“This ring I release”
The Fellowship will aid
This Frodo will free
And I will now fade
But gift of all life!
The Valar they answer
The ban is now lifted
Celeborn to be dancer
“I pass the test”
So purgative be!
“And now I will pass,
Into west, beyond sea”
Galadriel refined
May too I confess
He must become greater
I must become less