
Wednesday, 3 June 2020

Idol of my Heart

Supermassive black hole
Orbiting with all my soul
Spiralling galaxy
Falling in endlessly 

Centre of my Murky Way
Dwarfing stars that come to play
Bending light, changing time 
Ripples in my space and rhyme

Born of force of age long past
Gravity that few surpass
Heedless of my empty gasp
How can I escape your grasp 

Like the centre of my eye
Black as night engulfing sky
Ever growing greater size
Eying me as bated prize

Constellations bowing down
Tort the fabric circling round
Deadly dance and recipe
Slavishly, idolatry

Invisible you wield your power
Silently you will devour
Who resists your hidden lure
Who for sinners was the cure