
Sunday, 16 October 2022


Nonight sweetheart, sleep tight tonight
Don’t forget to remember your tax could bite

At least your bed bugs will get a big fright
If tonight of nights the tax man is out
If he comes for you and without a shout

And sneaks and creeps in o-so-quiet
Your bed bugs will meet him in the dead of night

And with all their might they’ll fight and fight
The mites and the tax men who are all too tight

And good on you who might have slept
Will wake to remember what you mustn’t forget

Which reminds me I haven’t done my tax yet either
I need a reminder to take a breather

Nonight, sleep tight, let’s forget our woes
The Beatles have said we can just give them our toes

I hope Jack Frost knows he can have our fingers
But our toes we need cause tax time lingers

If I text him to tell him your tax is due
He may be too scared to come for you

But I’m forgetting it’s into October steady
The frost doesn’t come when the taxman is ready

So at least our toes are safe for tonight
For the taxman who comes as we sleep in the night

It might be smart to consider protection
I’ll put my toes in a glass for collection

Like our children’s teeth we need to be wary
Cause the taxman is married to that naughty fairy

Let’s never forget the infamous Croods
Who were saved with a false toe that wasn’t glued

Toe night, toe plight
First toe I take tonight
I wish I pray, I wish it might
That taxman doesn’t come for you this night