
Friday 10 May 2024

The Eel-Eagle One

It is not told that in after days
When of olde YHWH God made the heaven
And it is not written that following the beginning
And its seven
When began the rest of which all creatures sang—

All except one with some who sat on the sky
As on a throne of the air and stared in despair
At the man who was held as first over all
To have and to hold beside YHWH of olde

And a rumour rang true among the spirits who knew
Yet in the blue above held their silence too
For this was the ruler of the authority of the air
And he lorded over sound and now brooded contempt over ground—

That hearing all that God said and seeing all he had done
And behold the man in the image
The two who were one
God's likeness on earth who's equal be none

This was not right
Nor good to one's eyes
This was not wise
In this one's own sight

The one and some who despised the coming of two
Who out of his side came her coming to bride
A binary with the God who is three
Would resist this unholy matrimony

The cutting of Adam asleep in a death
The forming of Eve a part of his flesh
The walking between a body now boned
The breathing returning like blood that had flowed

This was a birth without mirth in the end
For the Spirit of God made what YHWY God said
And seeing his worth now lessened to him
He spread a great shade and came slow to begin

Thus leaving his host and coveting most
What he had espied
The mantle of pride
Placed to be at YHWH God's side

But unlooked for and unheard the wind left too that day
And he dropped from the sky like the breath that gave way
And like lightning blinding a midday sun
And as a late fig dropping to earth as it thundered
He fell and struck the well at the surface of the deep
With such a clap that his raiment cracked and sundered
And sank into the waters and was lost

Like a great eagle he had been beyond fair and regal
For without compare he governed under the heavens all authority of the air
But now from the waters he looked up and it was night
And as a long eel writhes in its wrath
From the depths down below all of earth's ground
He emerged wingless and sealed towards land like a great sea lion
And was illegal

Now YHWH God had gone out from the garden
And had given all dominion to the man he had made
But power and authority had belonged to the one
Who now appeared out of waters as a new day begun

And as the cool of day broke
And dry land appeared
The eel-eagle one stepped forward
Yet the ground did not choke

And water ran down
And light dripped off his coat
And he strode above earth
Into the garden bespoke

And the man was surprised
For YHWH God had brought before his eyes every beast
And every bird of the heavens he had called by name
And they were his that he might rule over all the of same

For from dust YHWH God had formed every living thing
And from the ground came every creature with the breath to make it sing
Every teeming and flying thing and every creeping and walking-ling
In the waters and in the heavens and on the face of the whole earthy-kin—

All except one to come who would sit by his side
His side which was pierced before covered in hide
To share in his flesh and an unbroken bone
And God raised her up and he was her own home

And he brought her to him
To his own right-hand
And she took him alone
In his care of the land—

But now seeing one who arises the depths
Appearing before him bright and shining in the rising dew
Revealing a raiment new and unnamed
And coming on the mists of the deep
The man was enamoured

But stepping back the voice of one who speaks came to his ears
And coming forth the man answered the same
For this was his domain
“Who is this who calls me by name?”

But now one appeared with his face on the ground
And he answered profound
“I am my Lord’s servant. Do with me as you will"
“Only let me serve the earth under your till”

And the grace of his presence
And the weight of his power
Made the dust tremble
And the wind turned back

At this the man was surprised yet the more
And he reckoned him a gift and a help from his LORD
And he said to himself, “Will he not suit and be fitfully?”
And he named him 'serpent' saying, “He will serve and be for me”

And the man brought the serpent to the woman
And she took him into her counsel
And the man and the woman knew no evil
Nor did they see their nakedness

But being unashamed the man turned and left
Out from the presence of the serpent he went
And for long the serpent stared into her quiet
And the woman held her eyes but was deathly silent

But before he would open his mouth again
Like a creature of the deep that takes in the air
He held his breath and his tongue between teeth
And the ears of the woman were open beneath

Thus it is not said this being of the past
That before ever he went belly to break dire fast
And ever before tasting the dust of the feet
Or be cursed above others to live by death's meat

The eel-eagle one had opened his mouth
To taste of the fruit of the tree of God's image
To prey on his body and to drink of his blood
Whose bone of one's bone was the first man’s own side

Who was one with the one who would come without pride
And whose flesh she yet shared but be shamed although spared
And unclothed and yet covered til death’s own would die
In an end to the beginning of her own pain she'd cry

To see the death of her slain
Like the land and its grain
And be crushed and yet crush
In her man with a mane