Of Genesis—as Literally Begun
In beginning,
Elohim creates
the heavens,and the earth.
And the earth is
waste and emptiness,and darkness is
on the face of the deep,and fluttering is
—on the face of the waters—
Spirit of Elohim.
And Elohim says:
“Let be light.”
And light is.
And Elohim sees—
that good.And Elohim separates
between the light,and between the darkness.
And Elohim calls
the light: Day,and the darkness
He calls: Night.And evening is,
and morning is—
Day One.
And Elohim says:
“Let be an expanse
in the midst of the waters,and let it be separating
between waters
and between waters.”And Elohim makes
the expanse,and He separates
between the waters
under the expanse—and between the waters
above the expanse.And it is so.
And Elohim calls
the expanse: Heavens.And evening is,
and morning is—
Day Two.
And Elohim says:
“Let be gathered
the waters under the heavens
to one place,and let appear
the dry ground.”And it is so.
And Elohim calls
the dry ground: Earth,and the gathering of the waters
He calls: Seas.And Elohim sees—
that good.And Elohim says:
“Let sprout the earth—
herb sowing seed,
fruit tree making fruit
after its kind,
whose seed is in it,
on the earth.”And it is so.
And the earth brings forth
herb sowing seed after its kind,and tree making fruit
whose seed is in it,
after its kind.And Elohim sees—
that good.And evening is,
and morning is—
Day Three.
And Elohim says:
“Let be luminaries
in the expanse of the heavens—to separate
between the day,
and between the night,and let them be
for signs,
and for appointed times,
and for days and years,and let them be
for luminaries
in the expanse of the heavens,
to give light on the earth.”And it is so.
And Elohim makes
the two great luminaries:
the great luminary
for ruling the day,and the small luminary
for ruling the night,and the stars.
And Elohim sets them
in the expanse of the heavens—
to give light on the earth,and to rule
over the day and over the night,and to separate
between the light,
and between the darkness.And Elohim sees—
that good.And evening is,
and morning is—
Day Four.
And Elohim says:
“Let swarm the waters—
a swarm of living breathers,and let fly the flying one
over the earth,
on the face of the expanse of the heavens.”And Elohim creates
the great sea creatures,and every living breather
that is creeping,
with which swarm the waters,
after their kind,and every winged flying one
after its kind.And Elohim sees—
that good.And Elohim blesses them, saying:
“Be fruitful and multiply,and fill the waters in the seas,
and let multiply the flying one
on the earth.”And evening is,
and morning is—
Day Five.
And Elohim says:
“Let bring forth the earth
living breathers,
after their kind—
cattle, and creepers,and living things of the earth,
after their kind.”And it is so.
And Elohim makes
the living thing of the earth
after its kind,and the cattle
after their kind,and every creeper of the ground
after its kind.And Elohim sees—
that good.And Elohim says:
“Let Us make man
in Our image,
according to Our likeness—and let them rule
over the fish of the sea,and over the flying one of the heavens,
and over the cattle,
and over all the earth,
and over every creeper
that is creeping on the earth.”And Elohim creates the man
in His image,
in the image of Elohim
He creates him:male and female
He creates them.And Elohim blesses them,
and Elohim says to them:
“Be fruitful and multiply,and fill the earth,
and subdue it,
and rule
over the fish of the sea,and over the flying one of the heavens,
and over every living thing
that is creeping on the earth.”And Elohim says:
“Behold, I have given to you
every herb sowing seed,
which is on the face of all the earth,and every tree
in which is the fruit of a tree sowing seed—
to you it is for food.And to every living thing of the earth,
and to every flying one of the heavens,
and to every creeper on the earth,
in which is a living breath—
every green herb for food.”And it is so.
And Elohim sees
all that He has made—and behold, very good!
And evening is,
and morning is—
Day Six.
And completed are
the heavens and the earth,
and all their host.
And Elohim completes
on the seventh day
His work that He has made,and He ceases
on the seventh day
from all His work that He has made.And Elohim blesses
the seventh day,and sanctifies it—
because on it He has ceased
from all His work,
which Elohim had created to make.
Genesis 1 to 2:3
and unashamed—
as in the Hebrew—
and in readable English—
and uncooked,
and without additives—
and raw—
yet ignored.