
Monday, 29 April 2019

Life to Loam

The creature blown and battered
The critter drown at sea
The carcass no longer living
The Lord God made it be

Each little pademelon
Each possum under car
Each poorly piece of roadkill
He sees their every scar

The sparrow with grey feathers
That’s falling to the ground
The mouse left by our cat
He hears their every sound

He knows their very moment
He knows their very name
The tiny and forgotten
His doing just the same

They lie out in the open
Without a burial
Feed scavenger and millipede
And He does all things well

They rot and they decay
They stink and fade to bone
They dissolve into the soil
Giving life into the loam

He does it and we wonder
He does it and we fear
How great is the Almighty God
Whose Word all things must hear

All creatures bruised and broken
All critters cracked and torn
All crawlies in the night time
Their Maker loves them all